Distant metallic screeching could be heard from deep in the tunnels.
Sounds that should scare off any normal humanbeing excited me and
sounded like an invitation from the underground daring me to explore them.
My heart started beating faster and faster and as soon as the metro infront of me passed i ignored the warning signs and ran into the tunnels in search of adventure and freedom.
What i found was exactly that and more, for some reason i felt connected to the tunnels like they held my darkest secrets,like i just stept into the dark side of my subconscious,a part of the mind never explored before.
But before i could find out why i felt this way i heard a series of voices followed by flashing lights and static radio chatter.
alerting me that it was my time to go.

Fuck it, doesn't matter.
We walk deeper into the tunnel
The smell of old rusted metal attached itself to us the more we go in,
while the dust of the tunnel decorated our clothes.
“Hold up!” “Give me a few minutes” my friend says while staring at an empty spot on the wall.
I laugh and respond
“A few minutes might aswell be an hour, its you we’re talking about” and continue to walk and take pictures of my surroundings.
While i do this my friend starts with his Artwork🖌 its not hard to see how much this means to him, i can see him glow while creating. Its almost similar to the way i look when im behind my camera, full of confidence and inspiration.
When it was done he proudly looked at his creation.
“Ayy brooo come look at th.....”
An soft alarm went off, subtle but loud enough to catch our attention, fuck.....motion sensors, i guess its time to go.. We run out of that tunnel with adrenaline moving through our vains,
excitement,happiness and an new adventures to tell.