I always thought that the graffiti scene, despite being a secret society.
within that community had a close bond with each other.
When I came into contact with a graffiti artist I noticed that this was not the case at all and that it is a lone wolf culture where everyone knows of each other's existence but often does not know each other personally.
In the photos you do not really get to know the graffiti artist but you do see what he does and what he writes
Just like the people in the graffiti scene who do not know each other personally but do know about each other by watching and observing.
The more tags or pieces you see of a person the higher he stands in the community and the more he is respected.
It is everyone for themselves in constant competition with each other to see who is the best and who is worthy of respect.
But why still do graffiti when even the people in your own community are against you?